Closure of George Harradon Mark Lodge
George Harradon Mark Lodge, No 956 closed for the last time at its meeting on 18th May after 87 years.   Numbers in the Lodge had slowly been declining and with an average age of 75 it was decided to surrender the Warrant.
The Lodge took its name from George Harradon who served as PGM from 1920 to 1935. The final decision to close was made in consultation with WBro Steve Walls, the PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool Group of Mark Lodges. Representing the Province for this sombre occasion was WBro David Winder, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
This was WBro Winder’s first official solo visit to a Lodge since becoming APGM at the AGM in April. Due to someone wanting to take photos before the lodge opened instead of afterwards the meeting was a little late opening. The WM, WBro Roger Boyle opened the Lodge before Bro Steve Walls acting as Provincial DC, announced WBro David Winder.
After being offered the gavel WBro Winder took the chair for a short while and gave a very interesting account of the history of the Lodge. Over its 87 years there have been 3 Mark Provincial Grand master’s and a Provincial Grand Secretary, VWBro Fred Hargreaves. (Fred was at the meeting having been a member of George Harradon Mark Lodge for 42 years.)
There has also been a Craft Provincial Grand Master, two Assistants to the Grand Superintendent, two Group Chairmen, and three Lord Mayors. WBro David Winder also mentioned the Lodge secretary, WBro Dr Alan Boyle, who was awarded an MBE for his services to Swim England, in 2015.
Looking to the future, RWBro Keith Beardmore the PGM is holding the Warrant for three years and is hoping that the lodge name and number can be, reinvigorated in the near future. On returning to the chair WBro Roger Boyle pointed out that there would be some symmetry from the first meeting to the last. One of the founder members of the Lodge was a W. A. Winder who attended the first meeting and WBro David Winder was attending the last.
With the risings out of the way the Lodge was closed. The members then lined up in the South and the Worshipful Master presented the Warrant to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master who was the last in the procession and last one out of the lodge room and closed the door on George Harradon Mark Lodge No 956. A very enjoyable festive board followed and a final toast was given by VWBro Fred Hargreaves to George Harradon Mark Lodge.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell